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Can I cancel a Deposit or Withdrawal?

No, once a transfer is confirmed, it cannot be reversed or cancelled. 

For Cryptocurrency Transfers:

  • Once you approve a crypto deposit or withdrawal from your Tap account, the transaction is immediately processed on the blockchain.
  • Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible by design to protect against fraud.
  • We have no way to cancel or recall a crypto transfer after you approve it.

For Fiat Currency Transfers:

  • For fiat deposits/withdrawals like bank wires, we cannot cancel on our end once confirmed.
  • We may be able to recall recent outgoing fiat transfers by contacting the 3rd party bank directly, as they control that process. However, we do not guarantee the success of this process and it might incur additional costs for you. 

In either case, completed transfers cannot be canceled from our side. This is why it's crucial to thoroughly verify: 

✓ Wallet addresses for crypto withdrawals 
✓ Bank account details for fiat withdrawals

If you initiate a transfer in error, the fastest route is to contact our support team immediately. We'll make every effort to assist you where and when possible.

Please double-check all details before confirming any deposits or withdrawals, as we cannot reverse them once processed.

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