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The fee-free payment network

Tap Connect Network

With the Tap Connect network seamlessly transfer money without any transaction fees or limits. Send money instantly and securely to any Tap network member — anytime, anywhere for free.

Join the network

Say bye bye to
transfer fees

Tap Connect provides members with access to its real-time payment network that allows for free, instantaneous transactions in fiat currencies and other assets.

Members can effortlessly and safely make payments to each other in any of the currencies supported. All provided with no limitations and at no cost within the network.


Built to fit any industry & scale

Tap Connect is available to all institutional users within the Tap ecosystem. By utilising Tap Connect, members can enjoy instant borderless settlements in GBP, EUR & USD.

Tap Connect was designed to meet the needs of all institutional users, regardless of their industry. This includes: investment funds, exchanges, brokers, market makers, lenders, and traders.

Inquire today
No limits on transaction amounts
FX rates
Low FX fees with industry-leading rates
Receive and send GBP, EUR & USD
Receive & send funds in a blink
Payment rails
Faster Payments & SEPA Instant
Free deposits for your currencies

Features designed to fit all businesses

The Tap Connect Network provides institutions with a cost-effective access tool and resource they need to thrive financially.

Get started

All the Tap
Connect benefits

Discover all the benefits that come with being a Tap Connect member. From reduced costs to time-saving processes, we provide the resources your business needs to thrive. 

Real-time settlements
No settlement costs
Safe transactional environment
Reduction of staff salary payment costs
Free transactions
Fully AML compliant
Reduced fraudulent payment risk
Supported by top-tier bank