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What is your financial love language?

Why not take a break from the stifling seriousness of finances and take a moment to explore your financial love language?

What is your financial love language?
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Did you know that there are five different ways we express our love through money? Below we break down the original five love languages and then explain how these can be integrated into a financial setting. Knowledge is power, after all.

The original five love languages

The original five love languages were first introduced by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts" offering insight into how we convey our love and how we hope to receive it. The five love languages are:

Words of affirmation

Expressing love and appreciation through verbal or written compliments, praise, and kind words.

Quality time

Showing love by giving undivided attention and spending meaningful quality time together.

Receiving gifts

Demonstrating love through thoughtful and meaningful gifts, usually involves around both giving and receiving gifts.

Acts of service

Expressing love by performing acts of kindness and service for the other person.

Physical touch

Showing affection and love through physical touch, such as hugs, kisses, and holding hands.

These love languages help individuals understand how they prefer to give and receive love. The book also states that recognizing and speaking each other's love languages can strengthen relationships.

What are the financial love languages?

Taking the original pillars, we’ve created five money love languages to give you an idea of how you financially show up in relationships (family, love or otherwise). Whether you share a flat with your brother, a business with a friend, or a joint account with a partner, everyone will be able to relate to these financial love languages. Afterall, managing money in a positive light is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship.

The five financial love languages

There’s value in being attuned to your own patterns, and to those of the ones you love. By recognising your partner's money love language you might get a better objective of how to create more harmony in the relationship by understanding what drives them to spend money. Without further adieu, let’s get into the five money love languages.

Open communication

While there are few topics less pleasant to talk about than money, having open and honest communication when it comes to the benjamins is not only valuable but essential. Having the skill, or having honed the skill should we say, to speak about financial matters with a loved one is an accolade, and for some, the most natural money love language. These chats will likely make you feel empowered and more connected to those around you, making it easier to be on the same page.

Acts of service: money edition

While the original acts of service encompass doing things that make the lives of those you love a little easier, in this context acts of service relate to money-related tasks such as taxes or budgeting. Having someone do your taxes as an act of love might be a bit ambitious, so let’s look at alternatives. It could be organising the holiday budget or creating an action plan to get your friend out of debt, or simply fixing something for you in order to save you money.

Love in savings

While it doesn’t sound like the sexiest option, planning for the future and having financial security is an invaluable act of love. Whether through investments, retirement plans, or even an emergency fund, what doesn’t say “I love you” if not “let’s make a financial decision to grow old together.” Some people's love language is expressing affection through providing, so why not let them put their planning skills and diligence to the test and shower you with their love? It might even help you reach your financial goals that much faster.

Experiencing something together

This person’s money love language is expressing their fondness through experiences and quality time, spending money on taking a trip, going on an exciting date night, or simply a new adventure. Through investing in time and experiences, you are quite simply saying I value spending time with you more than I value monetary gains.

The art of gifting

The last money love language we have for you today centers around gift-giving. Are you someone who likes to shower friends with presents, or love to spoil your significant other with something wonderful? Then this one’s for you. While this shouldn’t ever involve draining your bank account, pouring your love (and money) into an appropriate gift is a great way to show affection. Remember, it’s often the thought that counts rather than the price tag.

Which is your money love language?

Which of these do you most resonate with? Sometimes by identifying these intrinsic needs, we are able to better understand not only ourselves but our expectations of others. Whatever your financial love language might be, be sure to pour the greatest amount of love into your own finances and steadily work toward reaching your financial goals. 


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