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Overspent this festive season? 5 tips to bounce back quickly

Feeling the post-festive season financial pinch? Discover 5 useful bounce-back tips.

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Alors, vous avez passé un joyeux Noël et peut-être, juste peut-être, vous avez un peu exagéré avec les dépenses. Eh bien, cela arrive aux meilleurs d'entre nous et vous n'êtes certainement pas le seul à entamer janvier avec un déficit en conséquence. Sans être trop dur envers vous-même, réorientons-nous et mettons en œuvre ces 5 conseils pour revenir sur la bonne voie et rebondir rapidement. Avant de commencer, il est préférable d'avoir une idée réaliste de votre situation financière. Vous ne pourrez pas résoudre la situation si vous n'en êtes pas conscient. Assurez-vous de consulter toutes vos cartes de crédit et comptes afin que nous puissions affronter la réalité ensemble.

Évaluez les dégâts

Si vous avez puisé dans vos économies ou utilisé vos cartes de crédit pour pimenter vos projets de décembre, notez clairement le montant que vous devez et prenez note des remboursements d'intérêts correspondants. Il existe de nombreuses façons de s'attaquer à la dette, il est donc important de trouver une stratégie qui convienne le mieux à votre situation financière. Si vous ne savez pas par où commencer, voici deux options adaptées aux débutants : la méthode de la "Dette Avalanche" et la méthode de la "Dette Boule de Neige".

Dette avalanche : commencez par rembourser d'abord les dettes à taux d'intérêt élevé pour économiser des intérêts à long terme tout en effectuant toujours les paiements minimums sur les dettes à taux d'intérêt plus faible.

Dette boule de neige : commencez par rembourser le solde le plus bas de la dette pour obtenir rapidement des victoires et de la motivation, tout en effectuant les paiements minimums sur toutes les autres dettes.

Optez pour ce qui vous semble le plus confortable. Si vous avez puisé dans vos économies, essayez d'augmenter vos économies mensuelles au cours des prochains mois pour les ramener à leur niveau initial, en particulier si vous avez utilisé votre fonds d'urgence. Non, la sangria n'est pas une urgence. Même en hiver.

Rationalisez vos économies

En entrant dans le mois prochain, mettez en place un virement automatique afin que vos économies sortent directement de votre compte et que vous ne soyez pas tenté de vous réconforter avec un autre café au pain d'épice. Écoutez, les cafés au pain d'épice sont formidables, mais l'être financièrement stable l'est aussi.

Si vous avez plusieurs objectifs d'épargne, vous pouvez également envisager de créer plusieurs comptes d'épargne (assurez-vous de vérifier les frais mensuels) et d'allouer votre salaire en conséquence. Des points bonus si vous utilisez un compte d'épargne à rendement élevé qui accumulera des intérêts supplémentaires.

Désintoxication financière

Parfois, lorsque nous avons dépensé un peu trop, il peut être judicieux de donner un nouveau départ à nos finances. Une manière de le faire est d'avoir un "mois sans dépenses". Ça ne semble peut-être pas passionnant, mais écoutez-nous. Vous faites une pause dans l'achat de choses qui ne sont pas absolument nécessaires. Cela fonctionne mieux si vous établissez des règles strictes, en vous concentrant uniquement sur l'essentiel.

Définissez vos règles en identifiant les nécessités, planifiez vos repas à l'avance, évitez les tentations comme les centres commerciaux et les influences des médias sociaux, recherchez des divertissements gratuits et suivez les économies réalisées. Un mois sans dépenses peut également vous aider à réinitialiser votre réflexion sur ce dont vous avez vraiment besoin de dépenser de l'argent. Par exemple, pendant la période des fêtes, vous avez peut-être absolument eu besoin de nouvelles tenues pour vos rencontres sociales.

Cependant, en janvier, prenez le temps de parcourir votre garde-robe et trouvez des pièces fantastiques que vous aviez depuis longtemps. Voyez cela comme une façon de prendre du recul et de réévaluer vos habitudes de dépenses tout en économisant de l'argent.

Allouez chaque centime de votre budget

Une tendance récente dans le domaine de la budgétisation est d'allouer chaque centime de votre salaire à différentes catégories, en veillant à ce que chaque euro que vous gagnez serve à un but précis. Une fois votre budget établi, vous avez toujours la flexibilité de déplacer des fonds, mais l'idée est que vous réfléchirez à deux fois avant de transférer des fonds d'une chose importante à quelque chose de plus trivial. Cela vous aidera également à comprendre vos priorités et à réparer les dégâts.

Révisez et ajustez

Pendant que vous sirotez quelque chose chez vous lors de votre mois sans dépenses, c'est aussi bon moment que n'importe lequel pour élaborer un budget hypothétique pour les fêtes de l'année prochaine. Tant que tout est encore frais dans votre esprit, notez les coûts les plus importants et essayez de mettre en place un budget vers lequel vous pourrez travailler et économiser au cours des prochains mois.

Les choses à planifier peuvent inclure les voyages, les frais de réception d'une fête, les cadeaux, les factures de gaz supplémentaires pour le chauffage, et peut-être une tenue qui vous fera vous sentir encore mieux. N'oubliez pas, budgétiser ne consiste pas à vivre au minimum, mais à établir des priorités, à planifier et à anticiper.

Dernières réflexions

La frénésie de dépenses de la période des fêtes a peut-être laissé votre portefeuille un peu vide, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous n'êtes pas seul à entamer janvier avec quelques ajustements financiers à faire. En suivant ces cinq conseils, vous pouvez rebondir rapidement et même vous préparer aux festivités de l'année prochaine. Avec un peu de discipline et une nouvelle perspective, vous serez bien parti pour rebondir et retrouver rapidement votre stabilité financière. À votre santé pour une nouvelle année financièrement solide !

Δελτίο τύπου
Tap Teams Up with Notabene for Cryptocurrency Travel Rule Solutions

Tap is excited to announce its partnership with Notabene, enhancing compliance operations and ensuring adherence to cryptocurrency Travel Rule.

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TAP Partners with Notabene to Implement Innovative Solutions Ensuring Adherence to Cryptocurrencies’ Travel Rule

Tap is proud to announce its new partnership with Notabene, in a concerted and strategic response to strengthen its compliance operations, by utilizing the market-leading solutions to ensure ongoing compliance with the Travel Rule for cryptocurrencies. Embracing the ever-evolving regulatory landscape, this partnership underscores TAP's dedication to ensuring consumer trust and guaranteeing pre-transaction regulatory compliance requirements at all times.

Tap has always taken pride in its regulatory-first approach, emphasizing the importance of consumer trust and operational transparency. Tap's decision to partner with Notabene is grounded in a multitude of strategic rationales. Notabene's all-encompassing SafeTransact platform, renowned for its excellence in identifying and mitigating high-risk activity before it occurs, provides compliance teams with the tools to make data-driven choices and enhances operational efficiency by seamlessly integrating the Travel Rule into compliance processes.

Notabene's notable offering includes its SafeGateway solution, which facilitates VASP-to-VASP interaction across protocols. This positions them as strong contenders in the cryptocurrency compliance solutions sector. This underscores why TAP views this partnership as a positive step toward maintaining a competitive edge in the fintech compliance landscape.

Comment from Kriya Patel, CEO of Tap

“I am delighted to be able to announce our strategic partnership with Notabene and I look forward to growing the relationship together whilst navigating through to meeting and maintaining our current and future regulatory requirements in our industry. 

The partnership with Notabene was a natural one. They share the same values as Tap by focusing on  customer-driven product needs, whilst allowing us to maintain a regulated and security-first approach.”

Comment from Pelle Braendgaard, CEO of Notabene

"We are pleased to collaborate with Tap, their commitment to compliance and customer trust aligns seamlessly with our mission. Together, we can advance the industry while ensuring the highest standards of security and transparency."

What are cookies?

Ever wondered what browser cookies do? Our latest blog reveals their secrets and impact on your web experience.

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Welcome to the delicious world of cookies! But hold on, we're not talking about those sweet treats you munch on during tea time. We're here to unveil the mysterious and oh-so-important cookies that exist on the vast landscape of the internet. 

These cookies aren't tangible, instead, they're small pieces of data that roam around cyberspace, shaping and enhancing your online experience. In this article, we break down what cookies are exactly and how they impact our online interactions. 

What are cookies?

These digital marvels play a vital role in enhancing our online experiences. So, what exactly are cookies and why does your computer store them?

When you're hopping from one website to another, your computer keeps a small file on behalf of each website you visit. This file is the cookie. The name "cookie" actually comes from a programming term called a magic cookie, coined by the programmer, Lou Montulli, and adds flavour to your online adventures.

But why do computers store these little files? Cookies help web servers remember you, ensuring a smooth and personalised browsing experience. Let's say you perform an action on a website, like switching to a dark mode or logging in with your credentials. Your computer takes note of this and saves the information in a cookie.

When you revisit that website in the future, your computer hands back the stored information from the cookie to the website. It's as if your computer is acting as a helpful assistant, reminding the website of your preferences, saved settings, and even items left in your virtual shopping cart.

The bottom line is that cookies are an integrated service that allow for a seamless and tailored browsing experience. 

The different types of cookies

As with its baked goods counterpart, not all cookies are created equal. Each type serves a unique purpose in enhancing your online experience. Here's a breakdown of the most common cookie varieties:

Session cookies

These are temporary cookies that exist only during your browsing session. They hold information about your activities on a website, ensuring smooth navigation. Once you close the browser, session cookies vanish, leaving no trace behind.

Persistent cookies

Unlike their transient cousins, persistent cookies stick around even after you close the browser. They store information like login details or preferences, making your return visits more personalised and convenient.

First-party cookies

These are created by the website you are visiting. They help to remember your preferences and settings, making your browsing experience smoother.

Third-party cookies

These cookies come from external sources, often embedded in the website you're visiting. They track your browsing habits, allowing advertisers to deliver targeted ads based on your interests.

Cookie consent and those pop-up banners

When you visit a website, you may have noticed those cookie consent banners or pop-ups that demand your attention. Turns out they are quite important. Implementing these notifications helps websites comply with data protection regulations and respect your privacy. 

They also play a vital role in helping users understand the importance of giving consent and being aware of how their data is used. So, next time you encounter a cookie consent banner, remember it's there to protect your rights and ensure transparency in the online world.

How cookies track and analyse your behaviour

Cookies have become a powerful tool for tracking and analysing user behaviour on websites. They enable website owners to gather valuable analytics data and gain insights into visitor patterns and preferences. 

By utilising cookies, website administrators can track the number of page views, monitor the time users spend on their site, and gain a deeper understanding of how visitors interact with different elements. This data helps them optimise their websites, improve user experience, and tailor content to suit audience preferences. 

On top of that, cookies also play a crucial role in targeted advertising, allowing marketers to display ads based on users' browsing habits and interests. So, the next time you encounter a personalised ad, you can thank those little, but mighty, cookies for their clever insights.

How you can manage your cookies

Managing and controlling useful cookies gives you more control over your online privacy. Through browser settings, you can choose to accept, reject, or delete cookies. Taking control of your cookie preferences allows you to customise your browsing experience and limit the data collected by websites. 

Additionally, various cookie management tools are available, making it easier to handle cookies across different websites. It's important to understand the implications of accepting or rejecting cookies, as it can affect website functionality, personalised experiences, and even the relevance of advertisements. Find the right balance that suits your privacy preferences and browsing needs.


In the vast realm of the internet, cookies are the unsung heroes that make our online experiences seamless and personalised. These small files, stored by our computers on behalf of websites, play a crucial role in remembering our preferences, settings, and actions. 

So, the next time you encounter a cookie consent banner or notice the personalisation of a website, you'll know it's all thanks to these small but mighty digital gems called cookies. 



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Public Announcement from the Tap Team Regarding Bittrex Global's Upcoming Closure

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Public Announcement from the Tap Team

Regarding Bittrex Global's Upcoming Closure

We are aware of the recent announcement from Bittrex Global that the exchange will be shutting down its operations. This news undoubtedly has an impact on XTP (Tap Token) holders, as Bittrex Global has been the primary listing venue for the token. We want to assure our community that we are working hard on a solution to minimise any disruption to XTP trading and liquidity.

We were equally taken aback by the announcement, just as much as our community.

Our Immediate Actions

We are meticulously evaluating multiple options to offer XTP a new primary listing marketplace. We are determined to provide our users with an uninterrupted trading experience. In the meantime, please be reassured that XTP will continue trading on Bittrex Global until the exchange's closure.

Our Commitment to Transparency and Communication

We understand that this news may cause some uncertainty among our users. We are committed to keeping you informed of any major developments during this process. Our dedicated support team is readily available to offer professional assistance and provide comprehensive information to users who intend to transfer their XTP to their Tap wallet.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team, and we will ensure a seamless and guided transition for all our users.

Thank you for your continued support.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through this situation. We are confident that we will find a solution that will be in the best interests of our community.

Saving and investing tips for surviving a recession

Survive a recession with these expert saving and investing tips. Learn how to protect your finances and thrive during tough economic times.

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Increasing speculation is that the global economy could be headed for a recession in 2023. This comes as governments around the world continue to grapple with rising debt levels and sluggish economic growth despite massive fiscal stimulus packages. 

Meanwhile, companies are facing headwinds from changing consumer preferences, technological disruption, and escalating trade tensions. All of these factors have raised concerns about whether the current economic expansion can be sustained over the long term. 

Below we explore the likelihood of an upcoming economic downturn and guide you through how to protect your savings and investments should you be faced with one. 

Are we headed for a recession in 2023?

According to economic research conducted by Bloomberg, economists have predicted a 70% chance of a recession next year, up from their 30% prediction in July last year. While not the technical definition, recessions typically take place after two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, which was seen last year. 

Despite the interest rates and inflation, consumer demand has deteriorated. After two years of bulked-up hiring, job search activity is now also waning. The stock markets have declined approximately 20% in 2022 with speculations indicating that further drops in 2023 are likely to follow suit.

While these stats might cause panic, know that recessions are part of the natural economic cycle. In fact, there have been thirteen recessions since World War II, each lasting an average of 10 months, all of which recovered. With the right preparations, an economic downturn can cause minimal damage to your financial goals. 

How to ride out a recession with minimal damage (hint: emergency fund)

First and foremost, build your emergency savings fund before the recession goes into full effect. This involves saving money to build up three to six months’ worth of expenses that can be used for any unforeseen costs that might pop up over times of economic slowdown. Building an emergency fund is a surefire way to protect your investments and recession-proof your finances.

On top of this, experts recommend putting off any big purchases, especially luxury items, and creating (and sticking to) a budget. Look for valuable money-saving tips and implement these into your day-to-day life. These tips might help you to save money beyond the economic uncertainty and help you to offset the rising costs of living. Consider creative ways to beat the economy and cut costs.

How to manage debt in an economic downturn

If you have a steady job, starting today, increase your payments to eradicate your debt. Don’t underestimate the freedom that comes with being debt-free, not only financially but emotionally too. Once you’ve paid this off you will have more room in your balance sheets to navigate the interest rate hike and increased cost of living typically associated with recessions. 

Should you lose your job, try to minimize your unessential debt repayments and focus on having enough money to cover your four pillars: food, utilities, shelter, and transportation. If you have funds left over, put them in a savings account, particularly if you don’t have your emergency fund set up yet.

Whatever happens, do not get into more debt, high interest debt will only make a bad situation worse. Consider speaking to a certified financial planner if you are unsure.

How to recession-proof your savings

Assuming you still have your job, continue to save money and build your cash reserves. Don’t let economic downturns stop you from moving toward your economic goals. Ideally, you have your emergency savings fund set up to buffer any personal losses and cover your living expenses. This allows you to put your usual amount of savings into an interest-yielding account without any concern for “what ifs”. 

Now is also a great time to review your budget and allocate every cent to a purpose. If there is any extra money left over, incorporate this into your savings or retirement account. If not, revise to see where you can cut spending and fill up your savings jar. 

How to manage your stock market investments during a recession

The golden rule of managing your investments and maintaining your financial position during a recession is not to sell at a loss. Time and time again we see investors make trades based on fear, and ultimately make terrible losses while peers that left their funds in the stock market account see impressive returns once the economy has returned to normal.

Remember: losses are only realized once you withdraw the funds from the investment vehicles. Leave them in there, as with every economic cycle in history, it will get better. And if you have the funds, consider investing a little more - stock market prices will be at “discount” lows. 

Other valuable advice is not to make any sudden changes to your investment strategy, consider investing as a long-term approach. 

Some long-term investors look to incorporate shares in consumer staples companies into their portfolios as a strategy to overcome market slumps. By investing in funds like the Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund or the Vanguard's Consumer Staples ETF, the hopes are that the success of these funds will offset the losses from other stocks within the portfolio.

Avoid FUD and be prepared

Despite whatever economic situation might arise, rest assured that it shall pass. After all, if you are reading this now then you have most likely lived through several recessions before and come out on top. Don't let any worries stop you from being prepared in case of a recession, after all, these tips above on how to recession-proof your finances are your best chance of coming out on top, again. 

5 habits of your average millionaire

Discover the top five habits of millionaires and how to adopt them in your everyday life.

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We might all view success differently, but at the end of the day, we want to have enough money to allow us to live debt-free, stress-free, and with a positive retirement ahead of us. While we’re not advocating that being a millionaire is the be-all and end-all, we are looking to them to see what small changes we can implement into our lives to better steer our own financial paths. 

A few basic principles of self-made millionaires

Below we explore 5 habits that the average millionaire does, according to a plethora of data collected by Tom Corley. Over five years he asked 233 millionaires 20 broad questions (and 144 sub-questions) concerning their daily activities. These were the results. 

1. They never stop learning

U.S. President Harry Truman is known for saying, "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." Self-made millionaires prioritize learning and self-improvement, with 49% saying that they spent a few minutes every day learning new words. 61% said that they spent at least two hours a day practicing new skills.

Reading plays a vital role in this process, with 71% often reading self-help books while 63% said listened to audiobooks during periods of commute. It was noted that most of the case studies admitted to reading biographies of successful people, typically wealthy people who had built something from the ground up.

Health was another top priority. 

2. They are aware of their weaknesses, and delegate accordingly

86% of the millionaires interviewed worked an average a minimum of fifty hours a week. While the hours are impressive, these millionaires committed time to build and surround themselves with great teams. They focused on their strengths and outsourced their weaknesses. 

No one is a jack of all trades, and these successful individuals honed in on identifying and accepting their weaknesses. Most millionaires noted that if they didn't possess a particular skill, they delegated the task to someone that did, freeing up time and energy. 

3. They're not afraid to dream big

Millionaires are not confined to small-space things and actively work on setting and implementing their dream lives. While financial moves are calculated, and rarely based on instant gratification, they also allow space to think outside the box and pursue dreams that others might try to deter them from.

With a solid mindset and the right determination, most of these millionaires were able to achieve their dream goals. According to Corley's data, many of the participants in the study used the "Dream-Setting" strategy where they sit down and write out what they want their day-to-day life to look like in 10 years' time. The results didn't arrive overnight, but for many, it did materialize in the years to follow.

This strategy is used by coaches around the world to assist their clients with building wealth and ultimately reaching a million dollar net worth. While people tend to associate rich people with lavish lifestyles, the reality is that a lot of them can be found living in a modest neighborhood wearing inexpensive clothes and driving modest cars. It's the money habits that matter.

4. They listen more than they talk

Over the course of the study, several strategies kept appearing. One of them was the "5:1 listening rule". This involves listening for five minutes for every one minute that you talk. This strategy is known to provide a variety of perspectives and strengthen work relationships. 

In fact, 81% of the participants said they make a daily habit of actively seeking feedback from others within and outside of the workplace. 

5. Millionaires create their own opportunities

The Roman philosopher Seneca is attributed with saying, "luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." While 94% of the participants firmly stated they would never gamble, most of them had the skill to see what others couldn't, and act on it. Whether it be through innovative routes to success or creative solutions, these millionaires were able to build their own "luck". 

Eventually, with consistent effort comes immense opportunity. If you keep pursuing your goals and never give up on your dreams, luck will eventually find its way to you.

The habits of wealthy people

If your goal is to build wealth, whether to retire comfortably or impact future generations, consider these habits that self-made millionaires have adopted and consider incorporating some or all of them into your daily living. While wealthy people might not be the greatest role models, self-made millionaires certainly know a thing or two.

News and updates

Tap Opens Greek Offices, Expanding Its Global Reach

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Simplifying Your Spending: Why Tap’s New Partnership with TapiX Matters to You

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Public Announcement from the Tap Team Regarding Bittrex Global's Upcoming Closure

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Tap temporarily suspends XTP locking/fees in compliance with FCA regulatory requirement

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Tap Teams Up with Notabene for Cryptocurrency Travel Rule Solutions

Tap is excited to announce its partnership with Notabene, enhancing compliance operations and ensuring adherence to cryptocurrency Travel Rule.

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TAP to pause U.K. client onboarding whilst taking steps meet new FCA Financial Promotions Regime

Tap hits pause on new UK customer onboarding until completion of a review to fully comply with the new FCA Regime.

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Tap partners with Total Processing

Tap's new partnership with Total Processing enables smoother Visa debit deposits, elevating Tap users satisfaction and payment convenience.

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The Journey to 200K Users: A tale of talent, tenacity, and tremendous support

Get ready to dive into a captivating fintech saga, where talent, determination, and community support lead us to 200K users!

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Tap now supports Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) on Tap!

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Tap now supports Loopring (LRC).

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Loopring (LRC) on Tap!

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Tap partners with Sweatcoin

Tap partners with Sweatcoin for a healthier and financially inclusive world

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Tap now supports Kyber (KNC)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Kyber (KNC) on Tap!

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Tap now supports Balancer (BAL)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of Balancer (BAL) on Tap!

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Tap announces key additions to executive leadership team

Tap, today announced the appointment of Kriyakant "Kriya" Patel as a Chief executive officer.

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Tap now supports PAX Gold (PAXG)

We are delighted to announce the listing and support of PAX Gold (PAXG) on Tap!

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